Seconddegree atrioventricular block (AV block) is a disease of the electrical conduction system of the heartIt is a conduction block between the atria and ventriclesThe presence of seconddegree AV block is diagnosed when one or more (but not all) of the atrial impulses fail to conduct to the ventricles due to impaired conductionNov 13, 19 · Firstdegree heart block In the mildest form, all electrical signals from the atria reach the ventricles, but the signal is slowed Firstdegree heart block rarely causes symptoms and usually needs no treatment if there's no other abnormality in electrical signal conductionLeftaxis deviation that occur in hyperkalemia are due to a intraventicular conduction delay, which causes a progressive widening of the QRS complex P wave also increases in duration and decreases in amplitude and, furthermore, other disorders may appear, such as AV blocks , sick sinus syndromes or junctional rhythms Ekg Learn The 4 Types Of Atrioventricular Blocks Leveluprn Sinu...